Convert 2x the Leads in Half the Time (The Inbound Way)

How many times have you opened up your inbox only to be faced with a flood of useless, run-of-the-mill, “cookie-cutter” emails….that all just feel like they should’ve landed in your junk folder (or at least, you wish they had)?


Most workflows and email automation sequences feel like just that: automated, standardized, and disgustingly impersonal (not to mention, they’re depressingly ineffective from a marketing perspective).

But at the same time….you’re SWAMPED, you’ve always got a million and one things to do, and you’d be crazy not to use an email automation or CRM system to make your life easier and keep checking in on all of your leads for you.

So…what the heck are you supposed you do?

Inbound Marketing to the rescue!

When it comes to converting leads via an automated email sequence, the goal is to make your messages: a.) feel personal and b.) over-deliver on value… even when it’s your CRM system that’s doing all the leg work. Here are 3 effective strategies to do just that:

  1. Over-deliver by creating insanely useful content and sending it via email.

If you don’t already know exactly what your customers are asking for, it’s time for you to create a buyer persona: click here to do that now.

Once you’ve created these resources (whether it’s high-quality videos, checklist PDFs, or blog posts) it’s simple to inject them into an email and deliver them straight to your prospect’s inbox so you can increase the chances they’ll see the right thing at the right time.

Over-deliver on value early and often, so you can get them to the next stage of the customer lifecycle.


  1. Make it feel personal.

Not all emails need to be the length of full on blog posts. Some are just 1 or 2 sentences (and those are the ones that feel way more personal, too).

Ask yourself: “how would I email my best friend if they were my prospect?”

You’d probably send several 2 or 3 line emails all throughout the process, instead of one big 30-question email that would leave them cross-eyed and unmotivated to act.

  1. Mix it up.

An automated email funnel should contain BOTH of the two types of emails above, intermixed strategically.

When you plan at the campaign-level (instead of just piecing together emails at random) your campaign can give your leads exactly the info they’re looking for when they need it, all while keeping them engaged and interested, and feeling like you’re checking up on them and have their best interest in mind.

It’s like your interactions with a friend – sometimes you want their advice, feedback, or step-by-step instruction… and other times you just want them to ask how you’re doing and leave it at that.  

Now that you’ve got these 3 killer strategies to convert 2x the leads (all on autopilot), it’s time to dust off those cobwebs and apply what you’ve learned to your OWN email funnel today.

If you’re looking to maximize your return with online buyer leads, click here to get the exact workflow that our agents use to get a 10X return on their investment.

