How To Be Hated by Everyone in Real Estate Marketing

real estate marketing

Obviously, no one wants to be hated, especially because of their real estate marketing! But, think about it… What do most people think of when they hear the word “sales”?

A used car salesman.

You know the ones… the slicked-up fellas who will do ANYTHING to squeeze a sale out of you. They give you that slimy, uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach that, sadly, has given ALL salespeople a bad rep.

But now I have a question for you: have you ever stopped to think about what, specifically, makes you feel all gross inside? It’s not the stereotypical plaid suit, horrendous tie, or hair do that’s really more like a “hair don’t”…Nope.

It’s their authenticity… or lack thereof.

See, when your business relies heavily on “face time”, and you’re out interacting with and meeting your prospects in person, face to face, there is SO much non-verbal communication that comes across “under the radar”. Much more so than what you communicate in an email or a phone call.

And for real estate agents, your authenticity and credibility form the backbone of your business.

Whether you like it or not, it’s true.

Now, if you’re a member of the Falcon family, and you’re reading this now, chances are good that you realize this already to some extent. You don’t think of your prospects and customers as nothing more than a series of checks hitting your bank account.

But, every once in awhile, we all do it…

That lone buyer that’s teetering on the edge of making an offer on that “fixer upper” you’ve been trying to sell…

That lead who was “ready to buy ASAP” and suddenly ghosted on you…

From time to time, we all forget that we’re dealing with real people in our business. And when we do forget, it SHOWS.

Especially in your marketing materials.

So, how can we combat this?

  1. First off, understand where your prospect is coming from. What unique sets of questions, pains, and struggles are they going through? Realize that they are coming to you for help, and the sooner you show them respect, authenticity, and the ANSWERS they deserve, you’ll both be happier and closer to your end goals.
  2. Avoid superlatives at all costs. “The BEST home you’ll ever walk into”, huh? Honestly, unless you’re selling a gold-crusted, multi-million dollar mansion, this is never true. Instead, you can use more thoughtful and carefully worded headlines, like “a truly stunning cottage in one of California’s most luxurious neighborhoods”. Qualify your descriptive terms with phrases like “one of”, “might be”, or “possibly” to keep things truthful and genuine without over-exaggerating.
  3. Do NOT stretch the truth! Calling a home a “fixer upper” is one thing, but lying through your teeth is something that your prospects can smell from a mile away, and once they do, you’ll be hard-pressed to ever earn so much as a conversation with them again.

Here’s the rule of thumb when it comes to real estate marketing verbiage:

Would I feel good about saying this to my grandma?

If you can pass that litmus test, then you’re safe. If not, then steer clear, or risk destroying your credibility for good.

Now that you’ve got a handle on your puffery (what you should say in your marketing materials and what you shouldn’t), it’s time to totally blow up your lead database with our FREE Better Ads = Better Leads Guide.
