How to Write Powerful Real Estate Ads

real estate ads

Want to hear something utterly terrifying?

Unless your database is getting stuffed with hot leads and you’re making sales left and right… you’re probably doing real estate ads all wrong.

And that means you’re missing out on floods of hungry buyers all around the area who are sitting there clicking on someone else’s ads, leaving yours high-and-dry.

Or even worse: you’re getting clicks (and paying an arm and a leg for them!) but your conversion rates are in the gutter.

Whatever your current situation is when it comes to running a real estate ad, here’s the simple 4-step system you can use to craft eye-snatching real estate marketing ads (that actually convert):

  • The Headline

Do not underestimate the power of a good headline! A thoughtful one can totally captivate the right buyer, leading to a click, and call, and a sale… and a bad one can go completely unnoticed, or even lead to confusion from an otherwise interested prospect.

Spoiler alert: non-real estate people DO NOT know what 2att ga. stands for. Scrap the confusing abbreviations, and instead opt for descriptive “power-words”– words that help your buyer visualize the property as their own and actually feel what it’s like to live there.

“Luxurious”, “Explosive”, “Vibrant”, “Cozy”, and “Picturesque” all come with certain connotations, so choose wisely and sprinkle them into your headline (just don’t go overboard).

  • The Sub-headline

The sub-headline is the place to give a little more information to the people whose attention you caught with your headline. Get out your buyer persona and ask yourself:

“What are the 2 or 3 MOST important factors my buyer will want to know about before they’d actually want to get in touch with me and see the place?

Plug in the answers to your sub-headline and you’re golden.

  • The Graphic

Here’s the part that can be a huge make-or break. Obviously you NEED a nice image. Nothing blurry, fuzzy, or unsightly (you’d think that’s a no-brainer, right?).

Even better if you can include an image in your ad that agitates the problem your buyer is facing. For example, are they struggling to get their home ready for a sale? OR, an image that helps them see a better future for themselves. Like an image of a person enjoying the ambiance of their new dream home.

As you may or may not already know, video actually converts MUCH better than a static image. If you’re running Facebook Ads, for example, you can instead plug in a video and create a captivating ad in no time!

  • The CTA

The CTA or “Call-To-Action” tells your viewer what to do next. It’s surprisingly simple, yet most people mess it up!

The key to a good CTA is to focus on what your prospect is getting when they take action, and how they can get it.

Some examples of a good CTA:

  • Click here for more information
  • Schedule a showing
  • Download your free report

These are all clear, concise, and simple. They tell the prospect what they get out of the transaction, and how they can get it.

And now that you’ve got the basics down, click here to download our FREE Cheat-Sheet: 10 Tips to Better Ads.
