How to Calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost in 5 seconds

Are you keeping tabs on your Customer Acquisition Cost?

If you’re anything like me, it’s one of the numbers you’re watching like a hawk (or a Falcon).

So, what’s the big deal? If you’re not familiar with the term, Customer Acquisition Cost is the cost of bringing on a new customer, and it’s a number that can reveal what you’re doing right (and wrong) with your marketing program.

Seeing an increase in my customer acquisition cost is a signal that we need to investigate the cause, and shift our marketing strategy to account for our findings. It also helps guide which marketing initiatives I invest more into, and which ones I put on the back-burner.

So, what’s your number?

If you’re not so sure, use this 5-second calculator to discover what your Customer Acquisition Cost actually is.

And if the numbers aren’t looking as good as they should… we can help you dial them down. Click here to learn how.